Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I want you to read me that book, Momma. I wanna know all those words (Pg 199)

I'm becoming slack again. I finished this book well over a week ago now, shame shame shame.

The Cookie Club by Ann Pearlman was an impulse read. I was in the library, feeling a litte hungry when I walked past a display with various books that had a Christmas theme (I love Christmas!). Like I said I was a little hungry and a cookie and a cup of tea appealed to me. So the book came home with me.

I borrowed it with the intention of reading the first few pages and most likely returning it. It didn't seem like a 'me' book. I started it, and I read the whole thing.
It was an easy read, easy to get into, the only thing that I really had an issue with was the amount of characters. Trying to keep up with 12 people, some with similar sounding names, was annoying.

It is based on a true story / true stories about these women who meet once a year, swap cookies, recipes and tell stories about their lives. Lots of drama and tradgedy, there were some positives, but as it was a work of fiction, I feel like there could have been some more positive moments through the story. Less characters would've also worked in it's favour and been much less confusing.

I feel it would also have benefited from more varieties of cookies! Recipes were included for each of the 12 cookies,  however ten of them seemed to be pecan cookies, with slight variations. I was excited by the idea of making your own fortune cookies, and will possibly give it a go.
I really enjoyed the facts included about ingredients, a really nice addition. In between chapters there were notes of the history of things such as flour, spices, chocolate, where they originated, how they were originally used, and how they are used today

This book hasn't changed my life, but I'm glad, thanks to my stomach, it has been a small part of my life. I may even start my own cookie club one day.

384 Days Remaining, 27 Books to go