Finding a job; I swear it should be much more straight forward. Am I wrong? A company advertises a job, people apply, from those applicants the company selects suitable candidates for an interview, then decide who would be best for the position. Simple, quick and not difficult. At least I’m waiting for news about jobs and not for news about the fate of a loved one as in The Lovely Bones. Good health, family and friends, a job isn’t as important as these things.
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold is one of the original 21 from the library sale, and was not at all what I’d expected. Words on the back of the book include; luminous, astonishing, feat of imagination, terribly sad and painfully funny. I found it very sad and don't recall any humour, in fact after reading the first chapters I felt physically ill. The description of the rape and murder of this fourteen-year-old girl were extraordinarily graphic and realistic. Each time the murderer appeared on the page I got cold shivers and an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. After finishing the book I discovered that Sebold herself was a victim of rape. In her case she was able to identify her rapist and he was given the maximum penalty. For her to be able to then go on to write a novel with this act at its core... I am in awe of her courage.

The story is very well written, and if you must read The Lovely Bones, read it on a warm sunny day, outside, with lots of people around, and nowhere near a cornfield.
195 days remaining, 25 books to go.
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