One Pair of Feet by Monica Dickens was a book I picked up at a Rotary book sale. When I discovered it was the second in a series I looked for the first in, One Pair of Hands, which I have read. I have since discovered I could’ve read the second without reading the first, and I did enjoy the first more than the second.
Just as I suspected, Nurse Dickens wasn’t much better than Cook General Dickens. However there were once again an abundance of colourful characters for Dickens to watch and study, from other nurses to patients. I am quite certain I would not like to have found myself in hospital in those days, as just about every nurse seemed to be as inefficient as the writer.
One small problem, the last page or pages are missing from this copy. I therefore have no idea if Dickens actually passed her nursing exams and decided to pack it in anyway, or failed and was sent packing. A mystery that will never be solved, unless I happen to come across another copy of the book somewhere and can read the remaining pages.
55 days remaining, 15 books to go.
The last pages have been found! My mother, being an expert librarian, managed to track down the missing pages and made a copy of them for me to place in the back of the book.
ReplyDeleteI say 'pages' there was however only a paragraph missing. A paragraph in which Nurse Dickens hands in her notice and we have no idea if she passed the exams or not!
Oh well, the mystery is still a mystery.