Why have these books been added? Well surely that is quite obvious?! I am both up the duff and expecting a small thing at the beginning of February next year. I am also currently planning my wedding for October this year and will be on my honeymoon in Tasmania when the deadline comes to pass...
Now while I have also borrowed other books from the library on the topic of pregnancy, I have found it best just to stick to the two mentioned above. They are brilliant books.
What to Expect when You’re Expecting is a good reference book, you can quickly look up what is going on if your hair suddenly turns blue or you start doing the nut bush uncontrollably (these are not official symptoms of pregnancy , I am merely saving those who are reading a blog about books and not one about pregnancy from the ups and downs and ins and outs of it all.)

74 days remaining, 19 books to go (oh my)
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