I could fill you in, in detail, on what has happened since I last blogged, however to be honest, I am pretty much back where I started. There was the seemingly promising position on an American / Australian film production which all came to nothing, the possibility of ‘full time’ temp work (that may well be an oxymoron) that made me sick to my stomach, oh and news that the company I used to work for that owes me money appears to be going bankrupt... I’m not to sure what to make of all this, so I am trying to let it all go and start afresh with my doco projects, a room full of books, and as much courage as I can presently muster.
Things are still moving on the book front. I’ve just finished Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger. I first read it over a year ago, knowing it was a classic but having no idea what to expect. This time around I couldn’t remember much about it, all I knew was I had enjoyed it and asked for my own copy. I thus received this one as a Christmas gift last year.
It’s an interesting read. I think what I like most is the way you are spoken to by the main character Holden Caulfield, it’s so real and has me thinking in the same way that he speaks. All you have to do is read it and it’ll kill you, honest to god it will, it’ll stop you right there in your tracks, you just have to be there and it’ll knock you down no kidding.
There isn’t much to the story, but it somehow manages to pull you in. Even though Caulfield is quite useless and gets himself in to numerous small scrapes, you want to keep on going with him. I’m not sure what all the literary people, critics, teachers and students have had to say about it and why it’s such an important book, all I know is it’s different and not half bad.
209 days remaining, 28 books to go.
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