Sunday, November 27, 2011

That night Maia sat alone at the top of the mahogany library steps, and she read and she read and she read (Pg 6)

I have found the time to finish a book, and have finally found the time to blog about it (about two weeks later) I wish it happened a little closer together as I feel I could do the book more justice, however here we go.

I have read Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson before, when I was a little younger.

Technically it is a children's story, but it's fun and adventurous and it isn't strictly for children. A trip to the mysterious Amazon, two evil 'step-sisters' and step parents, a well to do orphan and a mysterious child who lives on boat on the river. Throw in a young actor who desperately wants to get back to England, and you have a story.

It's nicely written, I did feel a little let down at then end, perhaps it was just a little rushed, and ended a little conveniently. Too many nice characters and not enough bad people, more bad people! I think I wanted more complexity, but perhaps this is where i have to be remembering that it is a childrens book and also that I shouldn't be jumping into the anti mush campaign with too difficult a start.

There are some truly lovely moments, for example;  don't you like Shakespeare? Asked Maia. Miss Minton gave her a look. 'I rank Shakespeare as second only to god,' she said. 'which is why  I am going to my cabin.'

This story has put me in mind of other childhood adventure stories and I think I may include an Enid Blyton book soon.

One down! 29 books remaining, 400 Days to go

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