Thursday, February 23, 2012

As is usually the case... this meant buying a book - (Pg 85)

I usually start writing these reviews while I'm reading the book. While I was reading Fat, Forty and Fired by Nigel Marsh, words like, funny, inspiring, light, wonderful came to mind. Then I got to the end of the book and felt let down.

I'll go back to the start though. This story is touching, charming and very funny. If you've ever seen the television program Outnumbered, it is somewhat akin to that. Nigel Marsh is father of 4 children and decides to take a year off work to fundamentally change himself and get to know his family again. There are a number of challenges along the way and it is wonderfully told.

I felt let down as most of the story seemed to be building towards this one event that did not happen and it all became rushed and was in sharp contrast to the rest of the story. This reminded me of my challenge and the deadline I originally set myself which came and went, I too felt like I let down myself and my readers.

Marsh has written more, and perhaps I need to read on in order to be appropriately appeased. Read it, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, just be forewarned, it does not end up quite where you think.

312 Days Remaining, 24 Books to go

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"It's like being stuck on death row with .... Enid Blyton!" - (Pg 91)

Lights out in Wonderland is a wonderfully disgusting, unbelievable yet somehow entirely believable, philosophical story by DBC Pierre. I loved Pierre's Booker Prize winner Vernon God Little, this is right up there. Vernon God Little is still in a box somewhere, I must unpack...

It is very difficult to describe this book. Part sociological commentary, a trip through three countries and through the depths of despair and yet somehow there is always promise. It is beautifully written, even though the subject matter isn't always quite so beautiful, Panda Paws for dinner springs to mind.

I enjoyed the tour of Berlin and the fascinating take on its' people as they emerge into the 21st century. This book truly made me think, about a range of subjects, from the different ways that war can effect people and places, to capitalism, and yes, death, dying and also life and living.

A one of a kind, beautiful piece of work. One of the best books I've read in a long time.

321 Days Remaining, 25 Books to go