Sunday, January 16, 2011

Factors that may affect your ability to follow my advice exactly as I give it in this book (pg 207)

I have been reading more than one book at a time again. Just recently I finished Save Our Sleep by Tizzie Hall, a book that has been recommended to me by a number of people now.

Tizzie Hall is known as the baby whisperer, and this book is a ‘how to’ guide for getting your baby into good sleeping and eating routines.

She provides good examples and case studies as she goes through explaining different methods. However, I did find some of her directions were given in a convoluted manner (some, not all).

When it comes to being sleep deprived while trying to follow these directions, I can see how some parents would give up.

Of course at the present moment it is all theory and it sounds wonderful in theory! So until we put it into practice I have no idea how useful it will actually be for us. Stay tuned as the Save Our Sleep experiment continues!

Friday, January 7, 2011

I will pour out everything inside me so you may leave this table satisfied and fortified (pg 6)

I began the new year with an old favourite. The Red Tent by Anita Diamant is a book I have read at least three times now.

It is a fictionalised account, told in first person narrative, of the story of Dinah from the bible. While I am not completely acquainted with the original story, I love this one.

I felt it fitting to read this story again as it focuses much on the wonder of pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing. The 'red tent' being a reference to the menstruation tent where the women would spend their time away from the rest of the world during that time of the month or childbirth.

Funny, magical and painfully sad. It is so beautifully written, filled with wonderful characters and some downright evil characters too, always focusing on the strength of women within a male dominated society.

There is a cast of thousands, but it is so easy to keep track, as each character has their own personality and it is almost impossible to be confused.

A truly amazing story, which makes me all the more excited about being a part of the wonder of growing a child inside me, and becoming a mother.