Oh folly and fate, thy hast found me most wretched. I have tarried too long and time itself, that fickle mistress, begins to elude me.
Over halfway through and I have arrived squarely back at 21 books to read. Life has distracted me from my course and I now have under a week for each book that remains. This seemingly simple undertaking has become more complicated than first imagined. I will not give up, I plan to prevail and stand the victor upon a pile of read books.
Yes I have just completed The Tempest and no it should not have taken me almost a month to read. I could easily have read it in a day, however as I said, life has distracted me.
Shakespeare wrote plays, plays which I enjoy watching very much. I have come to the conclusion that one should not read Shakespeare unless one is studying it for literary or thespian related pursuits. I did enjoy The Tempest, however it takes a large amount of concentration and Shakespeare is much more enjoyable when performed. My recommendation would therefore be to see The Tempest, and not to read it.
138 days remaining, 21 books to go.