I completely fail to understand how anyone could be swept away by this story. See the quote above for a lovely example; ‘My throat threatening everyone?’ oh give me a break, parts of the story that were evidently supposed to be horrifying made me laugh in disbelief at the ridiculous manner in which they were written.
I did not care about the stupid characters, their ‘plight’, nor the ‘mysteries’ they faced. I found it very easy not to turn the page, fell asleep while trying to read it and would often put it down to go and do more exciting things like clean the toilet. I will not even bother providing you with a general overview of plot, as it may in fact put you to sleep.
Harsh? Possibly, however if I was not sworn to finishing the books on the list, I would’ve given this away to the op shop by page 2.
I do find it quite interesting to note however, the amazing reviews it has been given. Apparently wishy washy Twilight rubbish is what teenagers want these days. I can only hope there aren't anymore in my list of books yet to read.
72 days remaining, 17 books to go.