So I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J K Rowling probably more than a month ago now. I have been in another world trying to get things done before a baby arrives in my life. No baby yet, however soon I will have even more excuses for not blogging!
I have of course read the book before. I am a big fan of the Harry Potter series, this time though, I didn’t feel quite as engaged with the story or characters.

The first part of the book was a bit of a chore as I had recently seen the latest film which covers the first part of the book. Never a huge fan of adaptations, I feel they missed the mark a little again with this one. Hopefully the final instalment will live up to expectations.
The second part of the book was better as I couldn’t really remember what happened, how, and to whom. I think if you haven’t seen the films or read the books (you have been living in a cave perhaps?) read the books first.
It was quite funny to realise that Harry Potter is supposedly the same age as me, born the same year. This is possibly why I found the series engaging when it first came out.
They are wonderful mystery and adventure stories, not to be taken seriously and full of fun and magic. I was sad to have finished it, and keep expecting there to be more.
PS - Could’ve done with out the ‘Nineteen Years Later’ a bit lame really.