Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I read this woman's book, along with many others - (Pg 7)

French Children Don't Throw Food by Pamela Druckerman was a lovely eye-opener into the world of French parenting.

Nothing to do with the title 'French Women Don't get Fat' - This story is told from the point of view of an American raising her children in Paris and noting the vast differences in child rearing.

I must admit, I do like the French approach. Calm, and effective... although I haven't been able to fully and successfully implement these approaches into my own parenting (Druckerman isn't 100% successful either) it's just common sense and refreshing as well.

The only issue I have with this book, is that Druckerman isn't always specific about what age groups she is talking about. For example, when she watches French parents let children freely wander through a playground while sitting around chatting and picnicking, I have no idea if these children are 3 or 13 months old.

Well written and very interesting, even if you don't have young children, I'm sure you would find it an worthwhile read.

96 Days Remaining, 7 Books To Go

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