I’m back! With a bouncing baby boy who is keeping me on my toes and has seriously reduced my reading and blogging time.
I have however, managed to read a number of children’s books. Yes my son is only 10 weeks old, yet I want to instil the love I have for reading in my child if I possibly can.
We have actually knocked off one of the books on the ‘what to read next’ list; Oh The Places You’ll Go, by Dr Seuss. It’s about life, making decisions and feeling lost sometimes, but if you keep going and don’t give up, you’ll get where you want to be, no matter how hard or impossible things seem. A pretty astounding concept to put into a children’s book, but that is what Dr Seuss does best, and I love it!

Three lovely books to read to your little one, that adults can also enjoy. There have been a number of children’s books we have read that have been quite simply awful. My advice is to make sure you have a bit of a read of the story before taking a book home. You definitely can’t judge a children’s book by its cover.
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