Excitedly I delved into my basket of wool (after navigating around the spider who had decided a basket of wool was the perfect place to construct a web, makes sense to me) and pulled out a scarf I was knitting for myself for last winter. I must get onto that one, however I have yet to master the art of reading and knitting at the same time. There is something to be said for these e-books, just sit back and read as the words scroll past on your computer screen. It is a little cold and sterile, however I did come across this the other day, the bookbook;

New fangled technology with that olde fashioned feel, how marvelous! I feel that soon we will be wearing 3D glasses while watching our computer screens and the pages of a book turn before our very eyes. However until then, I will stick to the books printed on paper and turn the pages myself.
Reading Pride and Prejudice, I sometimes wish I could be a character from a Jane Austen novel, so wonderful and romantic. But then I think, how boring their lives must have been. Sitting about all day, waiting for the gentlemen to come a calling. Doing needle point and staring blankly out of windows.
It’s so lovely that women are allowed to have careers these days, if only mine had taken off after the kick start I thought it had. This week I have had two interviews, neither for full time jobs and one I should’ve heard about by now, I have made the necessary inquiries, but at this stage, I have to wait...
In the meantime, bills need to be paid and I have had to go back to the government for financial support. It really is quite demeaning to sit with a group of people who have no intention of ever finding a job and be told things like; Print your job application on clean blank paper and make sure you’ve showered and don’t forget to iron your clothes before going to an interview. I am by no means a snob, but really, I don’t want to feel like some unwashed burden on society.
251 days remaining, 18 books to go.
What a wonderful undertaking! There are no better friends than books. You might consider writing one.... you have the talent.
ReplyDeletecarolyn from canada.